1. Fill a medium stock pot with water and bring to a rolling boil. Add two generous pinches of salt to the water.
2. Clean & cut the stems off of the green beans and add them to the boiling water. Blanche them for approximately 3-5 minutes until they turn bright green and tender, but they should still have a little bite to them. Quickly take them out of the boiling water, strain, and put them into an ice water bath or rinse them under cold water until they're completely cooled down.
3. In a medium sauté pan on low heat add the butter, green beans, salt & pepper, and a little water. Warm the green beans until they're coated with the butter. In a different small sauté pan on medium heat add the rest of the butter until in is lightly browned. Quickly add the almonds while mixing with a spoon so that the almonds on the outer edge don't burn. Toast the almonds until they turn a light golden brown.
4. Put the buttered green beans into a serving dish and generously top them with the toasted almonds and brown butter. Share with your friends and family and enjoy!!
2-3 bunches of greens beans
5-6 tbsp butter
3-4 tbsp sliced almonds
salt & pepper
-For the equipment used in this recipe check out My Store.
-Learn some fun food facts about green beans in the Food For Thought section.